Panasonic MPEG Encoder Standalone 2.5 (c) PDN MPEG1 Encoder Stand-alone Application Software V2.x [Features] 1. Encode high-resolution video data: Up to 1024 X 1024, but must be in multiples of 16 2. Three choices of Quantizer Matrix for different image types: Natural Image, CG/Cartoon and MPEG1 Standard 3. A variety of filters to enhance image quality: ?ENoise Reduction (improves input-image quality) ?ESmoothing Video Filter (improves MPEG image quality) 4. Wide data rate for encoding from 600k to 15Mbps 5. Forced Intra-Frame function can change any frame to an Intra-frame 6. Gamma correction for MPEG Data for PC and TV color characteristics 7. Create low-frame-rate MPEG1 movies not based on the MPEG1 standard: However they run perfectly on almost all MPEG1 players 8. Create an MPEG1 System Stream for the VideoCD V2.0 Specification. Selectable for Audio Pack NULL padding(20bytes) ON/OFF (The MPEG1 system stream for VideoCD may not work with "Nero" CD-R writing software.) 9. Color Control Function Change RGB value of a material file from -20% to +20% separately Register 10 different user settings Run SETUP.EXE. When prompted, type in the following info: Serial : 900-2016000 Password: CASSIOPEIA