c:\7-zip\7z.exe x D:\build.Apache2217.zip -oD:\buildApache2217 RMDIR D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test /S /Q RMDIR D:\test111 /S /Q RMDIR D:\php533 /S /Q /Q RMDIR D:\opensslsrc /S /Q c:\7-zip\7z.exe x D:\buildApache2217\php-5.3.3-Win32-VC6-x86.zip -oD:\php533 c:\7-zip\7z.exe x D:\buildApache2217\httpd-2.2.17-win32-src.zip -oD:\test111 c:\7-zip\7z.exe x D:\buildApache2217\zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz -oD:\test111 c:\7-zip\7z.exe x D:\test111\zlib-1.2.3.tar -oD:\test111 mkdir D:\test111\httpd-2.2.17\srclib\zlib xcopy D:\test111\zlib-1.2.3\*.* /E D:\test111\httpd-2.2.17\srclib\zlib RMDIR D:\test111\zlib-1.2.3 /S /Q DEL D:\test111\zlib-1.2.3.tar /Q cd test111\httpd-2.2.17 :: Enter Zlib Folder in the Apache Folder to get ready to compile Zlib cd srclib\zlib :: Compile zlib nmake -f win32\Makefile.msc :: Go back to root of folder cd ../../../../ :: Decompress OpenSSL c:\7-zip\7z.exe x D:\buildApache2217\openssl-1.0.0a.tar.gz -oD:\opensslsrc c:\7-zip\7z.exe x D:\opensslsrc\openssl-1.0.0a.tar -oD:\opensslsrc :: Rename the folder for OpenSSL RENAME D:\opensslsrc\openssl-1.0.0a openssl :: Delete the OpenSSL Tar archive DEL D:\opensslsrc\openssl-1.0.0a.tar /Q :: compile OpenSSL and go back to root of drive you started with echo nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat cd ../../ :: Move compiles Openssl to the httpd srclib folder echo xcopy D:\opensslsrc\*.* /E D:\test111\httpd-2.2.17\srclib >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Enter the httpd Apache Folders to get ready to compile Apache echo cd D:\test111\httpd-2.2.17 >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Compile Apache Web Server echo nmake /f Makefile.win SERVERNAME="localhost" PORT=80 SSLPORT=8088 INSTDIR="D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test" installr >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Delete files that are not needed to run Apache such as the debug fules *.pdb and the manual files which you do not need all the updated information will always be at apache.org echo DEL /S /Q D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\*.pdb >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat echo RMDIR /S /Q D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\manual\ >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Go back to root of start drive echo cd ../../ >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Make directory for the php folder echo md D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\php >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Copy the php files to the directory you just created echo xcopy D:\php533\*.* /E D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\php >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Rename the php.ini file to be used by the apache server echo RENAME D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\php\php.ini-production php.ini >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: copy a test file over to the Apache root doc directory so you can see your server working. This is a phpinfo directive along with a mysql test Modify the file to suit your mysql server echo xcopy D:\buildApache2217\test.php D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\htdocs >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: A visual basic script to modify text in the httpd.conf file along with ssl.conf file for https along with modifying the php.ini file Make changes in the script to automate the work echo Cscript D:\BuildApache2217\modify.httpd.conf.vbs >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Move your already acreated self signed ssl server keys and certificates to the apache conf folder echo xcopy D:\buildApache2217\server.pem D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\conf >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat echo xcopy D:\buildApache2217\server.crt D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\conf >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat echo cd ../../ >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Remake the manual folder for the httpd apache server This could be useful if you decided to make a manual for your site maybe a FAQ area Could be anything really you put in here echo MD D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\manual >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Make the directory for sessions where you specified in the php.ini file echo MD D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\htdocs\sessions >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: move favicon.ico to root of server docs aka htdocs folder echo xcopy D:\buildApache2217\favicon.ico D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\htdocs >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Add a file to the recreated manual folder this file has a header redirect to the apache.org document page no need to have local manual when updated online will be better from the source Apache.org echo xcopy D:\buildApache2217\index.php D:\Apache.Webserver\Apache2.2.17.test\manual >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat echo RMDIR D:\test111 /S /Q >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: Remove the directories you started to work with kinda redundant but cleans things up a bit echo RMDIR D:\php533 /S /Q >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat echo RMDIR D:\buildApache2217 /S /Q >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat echo RMDIR D:\opensslsrc /S /Q >> D:\opensslsrc\openssl\ms\do_ms.bat :: STart the automated compile build configure Apache process cd D:\opensslsrc\openssl perl Configure --openssldir=N:/opensslsrc/openssl VC-WIN32 ms\do_ms